At Eagle’s Wing we specialise in shamanic courses, personal development and practitioner training. Our Centre for Contemporary Shamanism was launched in 1987.

The work of Eagle’s Wing Shamanism is to help people connect their inner and outer worlds, to heal old wounds within, to become able to bring dreams from the world of spirit into matter and thus enjoy a creative and fruitful life, to dance their dreams awake and to become a part of the solution instead of part of the problem of human life on Earth.
We offer life enhancing transformative work that brings us into good relation with all things.
Once we understand that we create powerfully, but mostly unconsciously, that our vision of who we are and where we want to go affects every aspect of our lives, we can begin the journey of self-realisation. That is to touch the deep spirit within and around us and to live and manifest fully, with a deep sense of peace, compassion and connectedness – a sense of belonging – being part of.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure …“
Marianne Williamson

The work helps you to know yourself on a deep level. We will guide and hold you so you can challenge any deep-seated beliefs of unworthiness, inadequacy or whatever beliefs bring you grief and unhappiness. We will guide and hold you to remember your connection to the Earth and all that comes from the Cosmos.
The shamanic journey, the trance-dance, the vision quest, the purifying ceremony of the sweat lodge, the Circle of community, these are ancient but eternally relevant ways to contact the timeless reality that exists parallel to and just out of sight of the world we so mistakenly call the ‘real world’. It is here in the everyday that we experience the reflections of who we are, of our actions, our deepest beliefs, our ‘dreams’, but it is in the non-manifest world of the Spirit that the hidden causal interactions take place. Hidden, that is, until we begin to open the doors and ‘see’ with an expanded vision.
It is through greater awareness, the Eagle’s eye view, the deeper breath, the pause in thought, that we can embrace the changes that are coming and only with a greater awareness can we ride these changes to dream and live the best of human consciousness.
Living Shamanically

We have given ourselves away through the pressures of a material driven society, we have been encouraged to hide within the false belief that self worth is accumulation of external power and possessions.
Now is the time to come back to our inner knowledge, our inner-connection. It is the time to re-awaken our ability to sustain life through our relationship to (rather than our control over) the earth and nature. It is a time to remember who we are, much greater in consciousness than the boxes of beliefs we have squeezed ourselves into.
It is through greater awareness, the Eagle’s eye view, the deeper breath, the pause in thought, that we can embrace the changes that are coming in the world of today and the near future and only with a greater awareness can we ride these changes to dream and live the best of human consciousness.
- Read more about us at at Eagle’s Wing Shamanic Practioners,
- Or read the feedback we have received on our teachings.