Dawn says…
“I have worked in many areas of healing over the years (since 1982): In mental health, therapeutic communities, psychotherapy (including body work) & psycho drama. I have worked with sound healing, meditation, art therapy and homeopathy. I have been involved in Shamanic work since 1989 and have worked with many aspects of Shamanic practice from many different teachings. Today I bring these experiences and learning’s together in an eclectic approach to a healing practice.
“My experiences have taught me that no one way is ‘it’, that each of us is different and have individual needs. I have learnt that the different aspects of us: body, mind, emotion and life force/spirit, needs expression and respect, in order to be healthy and ‘in life’. I have also learnt that each one of us has a tremendous life force/power, which is always there (even in the time that we feel powerless), but is just used in different (sometimes unhealthy) ways.
“We find our health, not just in healing our hearts, bodies and minds, but in finding/remembering that we are a part of the whole. A part of nature, life, spirit and not an isolated ego/character.
“My intent is to help facilitate and hold a space for you where you can experience the healing energy within you. A space where you can hear the voice of compassion within you and around you, in nature. A space where you can connect with your wellbeing and your desire to live, fully alive and fully awake.”
You are welcome to come and explore aspects of yourself:
Your connection to the world of animal allies and spirit guides, through the Shamanic journey. Gaining insight and guidance.
You can relax and receive a sound bath/healing through the wonderful sound vibration of Chinese gongs and Tibetan bowls.
Explore the places that in your life that feel stuck and unstick them.
Work with your ancestry; see what is playing out through you and what you can do to heal your ancestral lines. Look at what strengths you, draw from your lineage.
If you are lacking in energy or enthusiasm for life, we can look at this energy loss – perhaps Soul Retrieval is needed.
We can use the “Star Maiden Circle”, a map of consciousness, to unravel life issues and shift patterns.
Taking a look at how you Dream; how you structure life; and your deep seated (underlying, sometimes unconscious) beliefs and attitudes towards yourself and life.
We can create Ceremony to help refine and re-dream your life. To help you let go of that which no-longer serves you and to call in that which does.
Contact Dawn Now:
Tel: 07808 579564
Email: dawnrussell@eagleswing.co.uk.