Alchemy in Movement – Trance Dance

14th - 16th March 2025 - Alchemy in Movement - Equinox Retreat

With Leo Rutherford & team. One weekend – Fri eve until Sun eve.
Embark on a journey of profound transformation as Alchemy in Movement present a weekend of Trance Dance At Laughton Lodge, East Sussex.

Shamanic drum journey

On Becoming the Medicine Woman Within

26/27 Apr, 31 May to 01 June, 12/13 July and 04-07 Sept. 2025

Few spaces left!
Between us, we have over 70 years of experience, working exclusively with holding groups and individuals in spaces that offer healing, connection, loving intimacy, expansion, wellbeing and thriving and a remembering and embodying of their natural and wild (untamed) self. 

Leo Rutherford 2019

Contemporary Shamanism

Leo Rutherford talks Contemporary Shamanism.

Shamanism is a path to wisdom which is gained through experience of many facets of life, through rituals, ceremonies, prayer and meditation, trials and tests. It is not a belief system, it is a way of knowledge – that which is known from inside – that which stands up to tests and to the test of time, something that is proven to work, unlike beliefs which are something taken on from outside and not personally tested in the laboratory of life.


Taming Your Dragons

New dates TBA

How to release the influence of ‘Dragons’ and retrieve your power. With Leo Rutherford & Juanita Puddifoot

Music and Dancing

Trance Dance – a Path to Inner Knowing

By Leo Rutherford

A woman dancer wrote to me of her experience at one of my workshops:
“I remember nothing of the trance dance and was quite surprised when my friend told me i had danced for a long time (over a hour). I thought it was only two minutes. I now realise I was dancing the abuse out, no wonder my head was burning. No wonder i was excited. I knew the
next day was going to be even more amazing!!

Beautiful Baby

Matridonial Remedies

Available to download free now.

Working with the matridonal remedies of the Human family.
Listening deeply, finding rhythm.
by Lorraine Grayston MCPH MARH


The Game of Life

PDF available for free now.

LEO RUTHERFORD, one of the first people to bring the teachings of the Medicine Wheel to the UK talks to JAN MORGAN WOOD about his life and how the ‘medicine’ has changed in the UK over the years.

Dawn and Lorraine's Deep Feminine Article

An Exploration of the Deep Feminine

Article available to read now.

By Lorraine Grayston and Dawn Russell.
The Deep Feminine is ineffable, formless, beyond words and logic. It is not an intellectual concept or construct, but something we discover thru experience. Take what registers with you, what speaks to you or, has meaning in your experience from this article.