With Sika Deer & Leo Rutherford
Sunday September 29th 2019, Glastonbury.
Sika and Leo have worked together for over 25 years and are specialists in their fields.
Sika Deer:
Multi-instrumentalist, performance and recording artist, music producer, workshop facilitator and visual artist. His versatile ritual-like performances have had crowds rejoicing around the world for over twenty years.
He is recognized by and conversant in the Aboriginal, Native American and Maori indigenous traditions. His musical journey has been that of a wisdom carrier — a sound weaver between the worlds.
With reverence he carries a unique ‘quiver’ of instruments that bridge us back to the timeless story of humanity’s relationship with sound. Each instrument bears stories from afar — stories reuniting us with the peoples of the land, the ancestors and their source.
There is a feeling in Sika’s ‘music’ his sounds, that comes from his deep passion for life. A soul searching, spirit driven response inherently truthful in every expressive tone, mood, vibration, timbre and note that he plays.
Leo Rutherford:
MA Holistic Psychology, once an engineer, now a practitioner of shamanism for over thirty years. He brings a lot of life experience, humour, accumulated knowledge and a pressing desire to know how the Universe really works. Plus a great joy in dance, in music, in rhythm and the release and presence it brings.
The raw, humorous and un-compromising path that Leo takes us along, as he opens our eyes, ears and all senses on all levels to other worlds and realities…this is the spark of pure spirit.
The Intention…
To help people connect their inner and outer worlds, to heal old wounds within, to enable us to bring dreams from the world of spirit into matter and thus enjoy a creative and fruitful life, to ‘dance their dreams awake’.
Sika says: “Leo was my first official teacher of Shamanic practices, over 30 years ago. It is a great honour to be now co-facilitating alongside my mentor. I fully respect this elder and am grateful for our friendship”
At the Avalon Centre, 1 King Street, Glastonbury BA6 9JY.
Sunday September 29th 2019, 10am – 5.30pm
Further info:
leorutherford@eagleswing.co.uk / 07714 333989
spiritsika@gmail.com / 07394 711546
sikamusic.com / facebook.com/spiritsika
Book Now:
Eventbrite – www.eventbrite.com/e/shamanic-sound-journeys-and-trance-dance-tickets-66452303629